Why Won’t My Car Start?

There aren’t many things worse than leaving for work or school, only to turn the key and realize that your vehicle has an issue preventing it from starting. Not only does this mean you now have a problem to be serviced, but can also disrupt your daily life. 

Modern vehicles are increasingly complex, and even the simplest issue in the various systems within them can prevent it from starting. In this article, we’ll cover some of the most common causes of no-start issues, how they occur, and what you can do to prevent them in the future. 

Potential Causes of No-Start 

A no-start condition can be caused by various issues, ranging from the electrical system to internal failures with the engine itself. Though you likely won’t be able to diagnose the source of your problem from the driver’s seat, there are a few common causes of no-start conditions that vehicle owners should be aware of.

Empty Gas Tank

While this one is pretty self-explanatory, your vehicle requires fuel to run and will not start without it. The best way to remedy this is to fill a gasoline-safe container with enough fuel to get you to a gas station. Alternatively, you can request roadside assistance or ask a friend to bring you some. 

Illuminated fuel and temperature gauge with a low-fuel warning light active

Dead Battery

One of, if not the, most common causes of a no-start condition is a bad battery. Automotive batteries have a limited lifespan, usually between three to five years, and are used to power the starter, starting the combustion process when you turn the key.

When attempting to start a car with a bad battery, you might hear the vehicle cranking slowly followed by a clicking noise. This is a frequent sign of a battery in need of replacement. 

If a dead battery is the source of your issue, you should still be able to get the vehicle running with the assistance of a jump start. When the engine is up and running, the alternator takes over providing most of the power necessary for operation.

A similar issue can occur when the battery’s connections are faulty, potentially due to corroded wires or battery terminals. If dirty or corroded terminals are preventing a proper connection, you can often remove the buildup from the terminals to restore a clean connection between your battery and the rest of the electrical system. 

Bad Starter

The starter motor is what initially turns the flywheel to begin the self-sustaining combustion cycle in the engine. The starter will experience wear and tear over time which can cause a failure. 

Fortunately, the starter may let you know it’s nearing failure before it reaches this point. These signs include slow cranking on startup as well as electrical issues. The vehicle may start intermittently, turning over at some points but refusing to at others. You might also see the lights on the dash illuminating while cranking the car despite it not turning over, indicating that your issue is likely not related to inadequate power. 

Locked Steering Wheel

If you’re attempting to start your vehicle and notice the key will not turn and the steering wheel is locked in place, you’re probably encountering the vehicle’s anti-theft system. This security measure is activated when the steering wheel is moved while the car is off, possibly due to brushing against it as you get in and out of the driver’s seat. It should be noted that this is only present in vehicles that use a traditional key ignition, as push-button start vehicles will not have this feature in place. 

Fortunately, this is the simplest of these issues to fix. In most cases, all you need to do is turn the key slightly while wiggling the steering wheel to the left and right. This will unlock the anti-theft system and allow you to turn the key fully. 

Black steering wheel in modern Lexus interior

Faulty Fuel Pump

Responsible for providing the necessary fuel pressure to your engine, the fuel pump is a small component playing a crucial role in producing combustion. Even before a complete failure, a faulty fuel pump can cause the vehicle to struggle and potentially stall out while driving. If left to get more severe, your pump will reach a point where it is no longer able to provide adequate fuel pressure to start the vehicle. 

If you notice your vehicle cranking slowly, running inefficiently, and struggling to accelerate, you might be experiencing the signs of fuel pump failure and should have your vehicle inspected and serviced. 

Trusted Diagnostics & Repair in Naperville

If your vehicle is experiencing a no-start condition, or showing signs of the above issues, you should have it diagnosed and repaired by a trusted automotive professional to get you back on the road safely. 

The ASE Certified technicians at Becker Service Center in Naperville have the expertise and equipment to properly inspect your vehicle, track down the source of your issue, and get your vehicle starting right up when you turn the key. Give us a call or schedule online to secure a time with our friendly team today!